Each month the UCR newsletter discusses a new disease or condition. These items are reproduced here for reference purposes.
Definition: Heartburn, gas or belching, mild nausea, vomiting, pain or discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen or in the lower part of the chest. Also called dyspepsia.
Possible causes: Gastritis, peptic ulcer, hiatus hernia, stomach cancer, gall bladder or pancreatic disorders, heart failure and diabetes. There is also nervous dyspepsia in which indigestion is brought on by psychological or emotional causes e.g. worry, anxiety, being highly-strung, tense or excitable.
General Signs & Symptoms: Pain in the abdomen, tension, heartburn, flatulence, sweating, weakness, palpitations and insomnia.
Primary Reflexology Target Areas: Stomach
Reflexology Areas of Assistance: Diaphragm (organic), Solar plexus (neural), Liver (organic) Thoracic spine (neural)
Holistic Advice: Avoid tea, coffee, spices, pepper, fizzy drinks, fatty foods. Avoid smoking, especially before eating. Drinking herbal teas of chamomile, fennel and peppermint can help. Relax after eating. Exercise diverts blood from the stomach, making digestion less efficient. If you frequently chew gum, stop for a while to see if your symptoms dissipate. It is common to swallow air when chewing gum, which can cause indigestion.
Extracted from the Master Reflexology Degree Diploma program part of the Universal College of Reflexology’s continuing education program. For more details click here.