How did today’s “Health System” evolve?
To find the answer let us look at how two very important scientists observed the world they lived in – Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.
Quite simply put, the Newtonian world sees people as sophisticated biological machines. The Einsteinian viewpoint goes beyond the limited Newtonian clockwork universe to comprehend human beings from the perspective of inter-penetrating, inter-active energy fields.
There is a growing mountain of evidence to support the new Einsteinian way of thinking. Quantum physics and experiments in high-energy particle physics have shown us that, at the particle level, all matter is really energy.
If humans are beings of energy, then it follows that we can be affected by energy. Orthodox medicine has started to use energy methods of treatment. Therapeutic radiation to treat cancer, electricity to stop pain (TENS machines) and electromagnetic fields are being used to stimulate the healing of broken bones.
The reason why this new way of viewing healing is referred to as Einsteinian relates to Albert Einstein’s famous equation given in the early 1900s of E = mc2 or energy equals matter traveling at twice the speed of light. In other words – all matter is energy at a different frequency. Matter and energy are now known to be inter-changeable and inter-convertible. This means that one can convert matter into energy, and therefore it should also be possible to convert energy into matter. Scientists are currently working on creating this phenomena in their laboratories.
The Newtonian view is based upon early models of mechanistic behaviors that were born from observing nature. The forces of acceleration and gravity were analyzed by Isaac Newton from his observations of a falling apple. He applied mathematics to his observations and deduced various laws of motion which he used to describe what he had seen.
These early Newtonian laws allowed scientists to make predictions on the way mechanical systems would behave. When it was developed, the Newtonian model was quite advanced for its time. Through his development of calculus, Newton gave scientists a tool for probing the observable universe. This led to new directions in scientific discovery and enabled the birth of many new inventions. However, Newton’s laws dealt primarily with the force of gravity as it acted upon moving bodies in the Earth’s gravitational field. His models were unable to explain the behavior of electricity and magnetism discovered in later years. Eventually new models of the universe had to be invented to accommodate these forces.
Today’s scientists are beginning to discover again, forces that do not fit into the current conventional view of the Newtonian model of reality. Unfortunately, the majority of biological researchers and physicians are still working from a Newtonian model of living systems in which the human body is seen as a cellular mechanism.
Present day Newtonian models of medical thinking see human physiological and psychological behaviors as dependent upon the structural hardware of the brain and the body. The heart is a mechanical pump which delivers oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the organ systems of the body and the brain. Advancement in biomedical technology have given doctors a wider variety of spare parts to replace diseased organs, however the greater knowledge of how to actually reverse or prevent many diseases is still lacking.
Isaac Newton introduced a way of thinking of the universe as an orderly, predictable yet divine mechanism. It would follow that human beings, like their Creator, would also be constructed in a similar fashion. Thinkers during this time saw the universe as a grand clockwork. Doctor’s perspectives on the inner workings of the human beings have changed very little in the evolution of scientific thought over the ages. Present-day physicians still see the human body as a complex machine. They have merely become more sophisticated in studying biological clockwork mechanisms at the molecular level.
Early surgeons worked under the basic premise of the human body as a complex plumbing system. The present-day surgeon may be seen as a specialized “bio-plumber” who knows how to isolate and remove a diseased component and how to reconnect a system so that it may function again.
More recent developments in drug treatments have provided newer ways to fix the failing body. Although different in philosophy, drug therapy is still Newtonian in that it operates from the perspective of the body as a complete biomechanism. Instead of using knives as in surgery, doctors use drugs to deliver magic bullets to the appropriately targeted area of the body. Different drugs are used to strengthen or destroy any abnormally functioning cells.
Pharmacological and surgical approaches are incomplete because they ignore the vital forces which animate and breathe life into the biomachinery of living systems. This animating life-force is an energy which is currently unaddressed by today’s Newtonian mechanistic thinkers, whose opinions predominate orthodox medicine. These subtle forces are not dealt with nor discussed by physicians because there are no currently acceptable scientific models which explain their existence and function.
one correction: the article says, “…E = mc2 or energy equals matter traveling at twice the speed of light.” the 2 should be a superscript … meaning, energy equals matter times the speed of light SQUARED!
another quote: “…the greater [medical] knowledge of how to actually reverse or prevent many diseases is still lacking.” indeed it is!! in fact, this is because the medical industry is focused on the physical dimension — in other words, they are playing only in the realm of symptoms and effects, not the realm of causes (which is the spiritual dimension). until they realize that the spiritual always precedes the physical, they will have no understanding of the cause of illness and no possibility of healing anything. what they do now is merely the suppression of symptoms … which actually delays or prevents true healing…..
Hi there
This article is highly informative and has refreshed my perspective and understanding of New Age Healing therapies.
It is only a matter of time before this new multi-dimensional view is accepted into the scientific and medical community, but this information is suppressed by the shadow government of this World.
I’m a student of Metaphysics and I believe the answer lies in a shift in global consciousness- The time is Now