Definition: A reaction of the skin to a wide range of stimulants or irritants, both physical and emotional. Can be acute or chronic.
Possible causes: Allergy to chemicals, dust, detergents, soap and cosmetics. Stress. Poor diet. Family history of allergies. Detoxifying through the skin. Often linked to asthma.
General Signs & Symptoms: Itching, redness, dryness, scaling and weeping of the skin, crusts and secondary skin infections.
Primary Reflexology Target Areas: Lungs, Bronchi, Diaphragm, Heart
Reflexology Areas of Assistance: Digestive System, Adrenals
Holistic Advice: Ensure a good balanced diet of fresh fruit and vegetables. Drinking plenty of water can help to keep the skin hydrated. Hypoallergenic moisturizers may be of benefit.
Extracted from “Conditions & Precautions for Reflexologists” manual part of the Universal College of Reflexology’s Therapeutic Reflexology Diploma Program